Keep up to date on issues and activities affecting the Sea Island Parkway Corridor.

Paul Sommerville Responds: Eight Questions For County Council Candidates
Paul Sommerville is a Republican candidate for re-election to for the District 2 Council Council seat, of which he serves as Co-Chairman. He is a proponent of impact fees to ensure development pays for new infrastructure it requires, believes Planning Department staff is capable of crafting good land use plans for Ladys Island, and supports a

David Bartholomew Responds: Eight Questions For County Council Candidates
David Bartholomew is running in the Republican Primary for the District 2 Council Council seat. He believes inadequate funding for Ladys Island transportation projects reflects poorly on County Council, that a Master Plan for Ladys Island is essential, and is lukewarm on a new capital sales tax. His responses are presented here, unedited and in

Marilyn Harris Responds: Eight Questions For County Council Candidates
Marilyn Harris is running as a Democrat for the District 2 Council Council seat. She supports a Master Plan for Ladys Island, wants to finish Ladys Island transportation projects before approving a new capital sales tax, and believes the County needs to do a better job of keeping people informed. Her responses are presented here,

Trask To Appeal ZBOA Decision On Drive Thru
In a “zoom” appearance before the County’s Natural Resouces Committee on Tuesday (March 7), developer Graham Trask said he planned to appeal the recent ZBOA decision to deny a special use permit for a drive-through coffee shop in Sea Island Parkway. Beaufort County sources said the County had not yet been notified that an appeal

Before a packed house at Council Council Chambers, the County’s Zoning Board Of Appeals voted 4-2 Thursday night to deny an application for a drive-through coffee shop on Sea Island Parkway. The coffee restaurant involved is widely believed to be a Dunkin Donuts. Board members Kevin Mack, Jane Frederick, Lynne Hoos and William (Cecil) Mitchell

If the County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA) grants variances next Thursday, the busiest stretch of the Sea Island Parkway could be home to a new drive-through coffee shop. Planned for 131 Sea Island Parkway, the location is directly across from Bill’s Liquors and adjacent to Garrett’s dry cleaners/U-Haul outlet. The site is said to be

Sam Levin’s Magical Mystery Tour
Whitehall is again front-and-center, as the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) Monday night reviews yet another application from developer Sam Levin to develop the property. It’s turning into another Sam Levin Magical Mystery Tour in which promises are made without ever really telling us what’s happening. If you’re interested in the future of Whitehall and the

Lady’s Island Plan Projects Moving Ahead
Three initiatives central to the Lady’s Island Plan are working their way to adoption, and the first traffic improvement project is underway. 1. “Septic Ordinance” A key challenge for Lady’s Island is to ensure that growth does not outpace the development of supportive public infrastructure, public sewer in particular. Currently, both the Community Preservation District
City Council Adopts Resolution Endorsing Lady’s Island Plan
The Beaufort City Council Tuesday night passed a resolution, in a unanimous vote, adopting and endorsing the Lady’s Island Plan. With County Council’s unanimous approval the night before, this action clears the way for work to begin on the most expansive growth management plan ever undertaken for the Island. Next steps will be detailed

Understanding The Lady’s Island Plan: Part 4
FIVE STRATEGIES Four core goals, seven planning theme, and now five essential strategies. 1.Modify The Growth Boundary Prevent future urban growth on rural margins, and limit footprint of suburban/ urban density growth. This is particularly important for the land east of Walmart (Island Shops), a 3/4 miles stretch leading to Chowan Creek and St. Helena

Understanding The Lady’s Island Plan: Part 3
7 themes This plan is organized around a framework of vision, goals, objectives, and actions. It integrates and synthesizes an understanding of the growth and development trends and forecasts with the values of the community. The development trends and community input results are each summarized in the plan. There are several major planning themes that

Understanding The Lady’s Island Plan: Part 2
Four Goals The Lady’s Island Plan is organized around a framework of vision, goals, objectives, and actions. It integrates and synthesizes an understanding of the growth and development trends and forecasts with the values of the community. The development trends and community input results are each summarized in the plan. The common goals summarized below
Our Mission

To engage the community and work with government and the community to ensure successful and sustainable development that retains the look, feel and livability of the Sea Islands Corridor.
To participate and assist in the short, intermediate and long range planning and zoning for the Sea Island Corridor and the lands that surround it.