Four core goals, seven planning theme, and now five essential strategies.
1.Modify The Growth Boundary
Prevent future urban growth on rural margins, and limit footprint of suburban/ urban density growth. This is particularly important for the land east of Walmart (Island Shops), a 3/4 miles stretch leading to Chowan Creek and St. Helena beyond. While there is agreement that movement of the growth boundary would be useful, it was also acknowledged that other actions might be pursued first in support of protecting this land from more-intense development.
2.Reduce Density When Sewer Is Not Available
The availability of public services such as water and sewer encourage development. Conversely, where sewer is not available, environmental issues that negatively affect the entire community emerge. The Plan recommends that housing density be limited to no more than one unit per two acres or base zoning (whichever is less dense) where sewer is not available.
3.Develop Policies To Limit Fill
Limitations on the use of dirt fill is recommended in the Plan. Specifically, the Plan would limit dirt fill in flood prone or low-lying properties where use of fill would enable development that could not otherwise occur, or in circumstances where groundwater runoff would adversely affect neighboring properties.
4.Improve Transportation Network
While not specifically part of the Lady’s Island Plan, the Plan does support the implementation of recommendations of the Lady’s Island Corridor Study. These nine traffic improvement projects and their funding through an additional penny sales tax were approved by a majority of voters (and in six of seven Lady’s Island precincts) in November 2018. Additionally, the Plan calls for expedited consideration of remedies to manage traffic in Port Royal, at the McTeer Bridge/Ribaut Road intersection.
5.Increase Civic Engagement
Both Beaufort County and the City of Beaufort have significant presence on Lady’s Island. Despite this, the Lady’s Island community has had only limited participation and influence over most development issues affecting the Island. The Plan recognizes this as a failing, and calls for improved transparency and cooperation among local governments, citizens and developers structured around a formalized & re-energized LI Preservation Committee. It is envisioned that the Committee would hold significant review responsibilities over re-zoning and non-“by right” development on the Island.