
Put Feb. 23 On Your Calendar

Designing A Future For Lady’s island – postponed from Jan. 12 due a medical emergency – has now been rescheduled for Feb. 23. Arrangements are the same: Lady’s Island Elementary School on Chowan Creek Bluff, with check in beginning at 5:30 p.m. The event is expected to end at 8:30 p.m. Admission is free, and those interested in participating can pre-register by clicking here.

To help set the stage and engage participants in the work to be done, Victor Dover, principal of Dover Kohl & Partners of Miami, will make introductory remarks and “test” attendee perceptions using a series of computerized “voting” exercises.

The remainder of the evening will be an interactive one, with attendees participating in small group sessions to help define what they see as a future Lady’s Island. Groups will work with zoning maps to define where they believe growth should be directed, and how it can be managed through planning, zoning, roadways and transportation, and environmental initiatives including stormwater management and greenspace protection.

Sponsored by the Sea Island Coalition and the Coastal Conservation League, the event is intended to be a catalyst for discussions with Beaufort County and City Of Beaufort planning staff and elected officials on a Master Plan for Lady’s Island that involves the community rather than simply informing it.

Please save the date, and join us on Feb. 23.

About Victor Dover:

Dover currently serves as principal-in-charge for many of the firm’s design and planning projects. He has led more than 150 charrettes, and lectures widely around the nation on the topics of livable communities and sustainable development. He served as national chair of the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) from 2010 to 2012, and recently coauthored, with John Massengale, the bestselling book Street Design: The Secret to Great Cities and Towns (Wiley 2014). He is a winner of the John Nolen Medal for contributions to urbanism, and is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Miami. His involvements in South Carolina include authorship of the Port Royal revitalization plan; the Boundary Street plan in Beaufort; the neighborhood of I’On in Mount Pleasant; and the the “Rethink Folly Road” corridor plan.You can see and hear Victor in action here.


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Our Mission

To engage the community and work with government and the community to ensure successful and sustainable development that retains the look, feel and livability of the Sea Islands Corridor.

To participate and assist in the short, intermediate and long range planning and zoning for the Sea Island Corridor and the lands that surround it.

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