
Trask To Appeal ZBOA Decision On Drive Thru

In a “zoom” appearance before the County’s Natural Resouces Committee on Tuesday (March 7), developer Graham Trask said he planned to appeal the recent ZBOA decision to deny a special use permit for a drive-through coffee shop in Sea Island Parkway.

Beaufort County sources said the County had not yet been notified that an appeal has been filed.

Click here to see video of Trask’s comments before the committee.

In a rambling, three-minute comment before the committee, Trask, who claims residency in Switzerland and New York, lashed out at “transplant elites” he said had “co-opted County Council and planning staff” in decision-making, and were dictating development activity on Ladys Island.

He specifically pointed to the Sea Island Corridor Coalition as the group leading the charge against his proposed drive-through on Sea Island Parkway, and charged the Beaufort County Planning Department of acting “unethically, if not unlawfully” in responding to political pressure.

In related action, at its March 14 meeting the Beaufort County Council will see for the second time text amendments to the Community Development Code (CDC) setting forth stronger standards for drive-throughs throughout the County. At first reading on Feb 28, the Council voted 10-0 to approve the changes.

The new standards, which affect both conventional and transect zones, retain the requirement for a special use permit, but specify requirements for vehicular access for restaurant, cafe and coffee shops with drive through facilities.

Specifically, the new regulations prohibit access from a primary roadway (such as the Sea Island Parkway), detail locations for service windows and drive-through lanes; and require a Traffic Impact Analysis as part of the application process.

Final action is expected at the next Council Council meeting, at the third reading/public hearing on March 28.

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