


Letter: Fix Root Causes On Lady’s Island

All the recent letters regarding Lady’s Island traffic miss the mark. The solution is neither a bridge to U.S. 17 nor more experts (experts got us here, remember?), but a willingness by the city and county to get involved, with the community, in making solutions happen.

Traffic is a symptom, not a cause. Lady’s Island is congested because development has been allowed to go forward without the infrastructure to support it. The city and county need to start pushing back against unsupportable development, saying “no” to developers when it’s clear that further development contributes to other, unresolved problems. Read more here:

News: Walmart Hiring For 200 Jobs

Lady’s Island Wal-Mart is hiring to fill 200 jobs before the new store opens later this spring, a company news release said Wednesday.

Construction of the store on Sea Island Parkway and Airport Circle is almost complete. Store management created a temporary hiring center at 3 Celadon Drive on Lady’s Island. Read more here:

Follow Up: Evening Mapping Session Scheduled For March 23

In response to an outpouring of demand, the Sea Island Coalition and Coastal Conservation League have scheduled a fourth mapping session as a followup to the Feb 23 community forum, Designing A Future For Lady’s Island.

The additional session is scheduled for Thursday, March 23, in the Conference Room of the Beaufort County Association of Realtors (BCAR). BCAR is located at 22 Kemmerlin Road, off Lady’s Island Drive just south of Publix and the Sea Island Presbyterian Church.

Attendance is limited to 40, and those interested should register here.

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To engage the community and work with government and the community to ensure successful and sustainable development that retains the look, feel and livability of the Sea Islands Corridor.

To participate and assist in the short, intermediate and long range planning and zoning for the Sea Island Corridor and the lands that surround it.

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